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Brand Consultants

Why Work With Us?

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It's easy to get stuck in the weeds of your business and lose sight of the essence of who you (meaning, you as a business) are from the inside out. It's also pretty safe to assume, you've likely shed your fair share of blood, sweat and tears to get this spot on my website today. I get it, as a 20+ year entrepreneur, I've been there. 

Let us lighten your load. Our sweet spot is brand. We have a passion for helping business leadership rediscover their "why, who and how". We tap into the heartbeat of where it all began, develop a connection with the intelligence and social acumen that creates the churn to keep people coming back - employees and clients. For us, this is the foundation of the brand. A solid, well-developed brand presents on the outside as it feels on the inside. Your brand is certifiably unique - no other has shared the same journey or the same people. We pull all those pieces together to tell the story from the voice of your business. 


The Vibe team has worked with one person consultancies, non-profits, school districts, municipalities, and corporations with 1000 plus employees. It doesn't matter if you sell widgets to Eskimos or paper for toilet paper tubes - we find business fascinating and have a thirst for learning. At the heart of it all, we're communicators. We understand people and have an innate curiosity for what makes things tick. 


Now, let's get to work  - It will be fun, promise!

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A 25 Year Track Record

Our Clients

  • Manufacturing

  • Municipalities

  • Dealerships


  • Non-profits

  • School Districts

  • Communities

  • Fitness Studios

  • Financial Institutions

  • Small and Mid-Sized Business

Brand Identity
Brand Messaging

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